Here's my naif setup - note that this should be exactly the same for Eclipse
or Aptana (Aptana is Eclipse + goodies):

1. Use web2py source.
2. Make sure you have PyDev installed in Eclipse/Aptana.
3. Create a project a PyDev project:
  * this will link to the web2py folder on the file system - so you will
have access to all projects and the web2py installation
  * I call this project "web2py_projects"
  * (if you know what a perspective is in Eclipse, you can use either Aptana
or PyDev perspectives - it's irrelevant).
4. Create a link to the web2py folder in the project: just create a folder
and use the "Advanced >>" button to link to the web2py folder in the file

Know you are ready to go!
In general I either duplicate an existing project directly from the file
view in the IDE or I use the web2py web interface to do it.
Note that if you change any web2py files from outside of Eclipse, then you
will have to refresh the project so that the file structure is re-read. This
can be done by selecting the project in the File View and pressing F5.

Debugging with PyDev:
Since we are in development I always run web2py in PyDev's debugging mode
1. Run we2py regularly, set an admin password and stop the server. This is
just so you have a password set in web2py for admin access
2. Open the file
3. Select Debug | Debug configurations - under "Python Run" create a new
configuration, name it: "Run web2py" (or something useful):
   * In the Main tab: select the web2py_projects as the "Project" and select
the file as the "Main Module"
   * Click "Apply"
   * In the "Arguments" tab type (without the curly braces):  {-p 8080 -a
"<recycle>"}  this will avoid the dialog for starting web2py and will run on
port 8080 with the last password used (you must have set an admin password
   * Some of the other tabs may be useful, e.g. setting the interpreter
4. When ready click "Debug", and presto web2py is running in PyDev's debug
5. When you wish to debug some code just double click, or "right-click" on
the code editors left margin to set break points. PyDev will automatically
launch the debug perspective.

BTW If you search you can find some info on getting code completion to work
(I have not yet bothered).


On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 6:04 AM, pabloest <> wrote:

> Thanks, Christopher and Miguel.
> I will try a different port.
> Actually on Wing I started to get a similar error about nothing
> listening (and then an exit). But this was after the web2py pop-up
> where I can enter the port.
> I had just read your replies so I tried port 8080 and that did it.
> Thank you!
> I tried again on Eclipse but it won't even get to the point of
> bringing up the web2py window where I can set the port.
> I will try Aptana - I believe I already downloaded it.
> Pablo

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