I'm using .executesql. I added a line to sql.py for debugging purposes. It returns the second column of the first row of results (a SUM of a SQL Server money column):
diff --git a/gluon/sql.py b/gluon/sql.py --- a/gluon/sql.py +++ b/gluon/sql.py @@ -1389,6 +1389,7 @@ data = self._cursor.fetchall() # convert the list for each row into a dictionary so it's # easier to work with. row['field_name'] rather than row[0] + raise RuntimeError(type(data[0][1])) return [dict(zip(fields,row)) for row in data] # see if any results returned from database try: When I run on Windows, I get: RuntimeError: <class 'decimal.Decimal'> When I run on Linux, I get: RuntimeError: <type 'float'> On Jul 30, 10:32 am, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote: > Are they both connecting to the same database? > Can you provide an example of how you insert and how you extract data? > > This is to understand the issue better. In fact > gluon/sql.py contains the following code: > > ... > elif field.type[:7] == 'decimal' and value != None: > decimals = [int(x) for x in > field.type[8:-1].split(',')][-1] > if field._db._dbname == 'sqlite': > value = ('%.'+str(decimals)+'f') % value > if not isinstance(value,decimal.Decimal): > value = decimal.Decimal(str(value)) > ... > > so technically even if the database where to return float (wrong), > web2py should still return decimal. Is this the case for you? > > On Jul 30, 8:35 am, mwolfe02 <michael.joseph.wo...@gmail.com> wrote: > > > > > For background, refer to related questions on > > SO:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3364699/http://stackoverflow.com/q... > > > I'm developing my app on Windows, but will be deploying it on a Linux > > server. The following lines are from the top of my db.py: > > > if os.name=='posix': #Ubuntu > > db = DAL('mssql://user:p...@{FreeTDS}', > > migrate=False) > > elif os.name=='nt': #Windows > > db = DAL('mssql://u...@ > > Trusted_Connection=Yes', migrate=False) > > > The problem I am running into is that on Windows, my MS SQL money > > fields are returned as Python Decimals. However, on Linux, those same > > fields are returned as floats. I think the issue is with FreeTDS. > > The above lines are the _only_ lines that are different between my > > production and development versions. Obviously, the environments > > themselves are vastly different. > > > Is there an alternative to FreeTDS to connect to SQL Server from > > Linux? Do I need to provide some additional info in my connection > > string? Am I just stuck because I'm accessing SQL Server from Linux? > > > Thanks in advance for any insight.