I just realized I can visit all of my web pages over https.  So the
simple solution for me is to test on the production server by visiting instead of  Then when I click on the
relative ticket link it takes me to  All is

Seems glaringly obvious now...<grins sheepishly>

On Jul 29, 5:20 pm, mwolfe02 <michael.joseph.wo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> When I follow a ticket link it goes to http: instead of https:.  Can I
> configure Apache to recognizehttp:// automatically
> redirect tohttps://
> This is more an annoyance than anything, but it has gotten really
> annoying.  I'm testing my new app in its future production environment
> (a virtual ubuntu server that I have root access to).  I am deploying
> it on Apache with mod_wsgi and SSL.  Whenever an error gets raised and
> I try to follow the link in the ticket, I get a 403 Forbidden error.
> The link in the ticket is a relative link, so it is trying to go 
> tohttp://  I have to manually change the url 
> tohttps://  Once I do that it works fine.
> I don't think it was behaving this way when I first set up the
> production environment, but I have been developing locally for awhile
> now, so I can't remember for sure.  I don't have the issue developing
> locally because web2py allows non-secure http access to the admin site
> for the localhost,
> It's annoying for me because I'm trying to troubleshoot something (a
> problem that only shows up in my production environment, of course)
> and it takes an extra 5-10 seconds for me to get to the error stack.
> I'm hoping there is some apache configuration that will fix this
> problem, but I have very little experience configuring apache and
> after hours of trying to google my way to a solution I'm throwing up
> the white flag.

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