At plugin_wiki index there is:

InfoPages started with undescore are considered system pages. In particular:

>>> Can I create a page started with _ ? e.g _mycustomsystempage ?

   - meta-code </cursoweb2py/plugin_wiki/page/meta-code> must contain code
   and it will be executed for every page.
   - meta-menu </cursoweb2py/plugin_wiki/page/meta-menu> must contain a
   description of the menu.
   - meta-header </cursoweb2py/plugin_wiki/page/meta-header> conatins the
   content of the header.
   - meta-sidebar </cursoweb2py/plugin_wiki/page/meta-sidebar> conatins the
   content of the sidebar.
   - meta-footer </cursoweb2py/plugin_wiki/page/meta-footer> conatins the
   content of the footer.

>>> That means I can create any meta-xxxx page and it will be executed under
web2py env?



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