Hello, 1. I want to create my own registration page as I want to create group memberships at the same time, but what function do I call to add a new user (I presume a straight insert into auth_user won't do the trick?) 2. How do I make it so the user doesn't have to login every time they visit the page? The checkbox "remember me for 30 days" doesn't seem to work all the time, and I'd like it to remember people indefinitely, can I do this? 3. Can the user's email address be changed at a later date, without changing the user's id? (We will be changing about half of all the user's email addresses shortly...) 4. I want to get rid of first_name and last_name in the user table because I use full_name instead, but appadmin relies on those fields for inserting new memberships into groups, whereas it should instead rely on the 'format' part of the table definition, any chance this can be changed?
auth_table = db.define_table( UserTableName , #include these 2 fields because appadmin expects them when inserting new membership! Field('first_name', length=128, requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY()), Field('last_name', length=128, requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY()), Field('full_name', length=128, requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY()), Field('email', length=128, unique=True, requires = [IS_EMAIL(), IS_NOT_EMPTY()]), Field('password', 'password', length=256, readable=False, label='Password', default='welcome'), Field('clock_number', length=30, requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY()), Field('department', db.department), Field('is_department_manager', 'boolean', default = False), Field('registration_key', length=128, default= '', writable=False, readable=False), #format = '%(first_name)s %(last_name)s' format = '%(full_name)s' ) Thanks.