Perhaps this is still being worked on, but the index tags floating on
the right aren't lining up with the relevant page content. Each tag is
shifted down from where it should be, and the further down the page
the greater the shifting (after some scrolling, the relevant content
is no longer even on the same screen with the tag). This happens in
IE8 and Chrome on Windows 7.

On Jul 27, 6:49 am, mdipierro <> wrote:
> This is very very preliminary:
> It is not editable (yet) and I am still adding material but it does
> address a lot of issues.
> Please use this thread to add comments in particular:
> What sections are missing?
> What needs to be clarified?
> Are there spelling errors?
> Are there formatting error?
> One more way I could use help: I need all the images done with the old
> layout to be redone with the new welcome layout.
> Massimo

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