Overall, I think I prefer the old approach of dividing into sections.
The new approach involves a lot of scrolling/hunting if you're looking
for something specific or trying to find a search term in a page
returned by a search. On the other hand, in some cases, if you happen
to be reading a whole chapter straight through, having it all on one
page can be convenient (can also be convenient when a search returns
hits across multiple sections within the same chapter).

I suppose an alternative might be to have the TOC expand to show the
section titles (as in the current book) and let the user click on a
section title to jump to that section in the page (maybe add some
"back to top" links within the page).

On Jul 27, 7:51 am, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> web2py.com/book was broken into section
> web2py.com/book2 is broken into chapters
> what is better?
> Once printed it will be the same.
> On Jul 27, 5:49 am, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> > This is very very preliminary:
> >    http://web2py.com/book2
> > It is not editable (yet) and I am still adding material but it does
> > address a lot of issues.
> > Please use this thread to add comments in particular:
> > What sections are missing?
> > What needs to be clarified?
> > Are there spelling errors?
> > Are there formatting error?
> > One more way I could use help: I need all the images done with the old
> > layout to be redone with the new welcome layout.
> > Massimo- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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