I need to be able to perform multiple LEFT JOINs on sub-SUM queries.
For example:

SELECT C.Name, O.TotalOrderAmt, R.TotalRefundAmt
FROM Customers AS C
LEFT JOIN (SELECT CustomerID, Sum(Amount) AS TotalOrderAmt FROM Orders
GROUP BY CustomerID) O ON C.id = O.CustomerID
LEFT JOIN (SELECT CustomerID, Sum(Amount) AS TotalRefundAmt FROM
Refunds GROUP BY CustomerID) R ON C.id = R.CustomerID

(Note: the above is air SQL, may not be perfectly valid, but you
should get the idea.)

According to this thread (http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/
browse_thread/thread/8d50fd87d0f2e233), this is apparently not
possible using the DAL.  This happens to be a situation I run into
regularly (ie, it's not a fringe case for me, but I may be a fringe
user :) ).

Has there been any progress toward adding this functionality to the
DAL?  If not, are there any tips on how to use executesql and still
retain some of the nice DAL functionality after the query has been
run?  I'm thinking I would want to use as_dict=True, but I have not
found a lot of documentation on that feature.

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