Nice to have partial progress in 1.81.5 anyway. Congratulations. Even so, how comes an HTTP 400 error can lock Rocket? @_@
And if that is somehow really the cause, we need to prevent 400 error from /favicon.ico It is simple, add this lines into welcome scaffold's layout.html <link rel="shortcut icon" href="{{=URL(request.application,'static','favicon.ico')}}" type="image/"> and supply a default welcome/static/favicon.ico also. On Jul 22, 11:34pm, mdipierro <> wrote: > I can reproduce the problem. I did on localhost with two different > browsers. > Using firebug I can see it takes 25seconds to download base.css (the > problem is not always with the same file). > While I did the test, I also monitored httpserver.log and I find that > it NEVER takes more than 1.2ms serve base.css. > This is what the log shows: > > .... >, 2010-07-22 10:16:38, GET, /michealellistest/static/images/ > header.png, HTTP/1.1, 304, 0.000563 >, 2010-07-22 10:16:38, GET, /favicon.ico, HTTP/1.1, 400, > 0.000631 >, 2010-07-22 10:16:55, GET, /michealellistest/static/ > base.css, HTTP/1.1, 304, 0.000791 #### locks firefox for 25secs > .... >, 2010-07-22 10:22:42, GET, /michealellistest/static/ > jquery.timers-1.2.js, HTTP/1.1, 304, 0.000552 >, 2010-07-22 10:22:42, GET, /favicon.ico, HTTP/1.1, 400, > 0.000497 >, 2010-07-22 10:23:02, GET, /michealellistest/static/ > superfish.js, HTTP/1.1, 304, 0.000914 #### locks chrome for 25secs > > Do you see the time gaps? > > There is a clear pattern. Under heavy load a request that results in a > HTTP 400 error locks Rocket. > > Notice that the logging is done by a wsgi application that calls > web2py wsgibase, i.e it time how long it takes web2py to receive the > request and send the response. The extra time must be spent inside the > web server. > > It is also important that the times showed in the logs are the actual > time when the data is being written in the logs. You can see firefox > waiting for base.css, the server waiting to log base.css and nothing > else is being printed during the wait, signifying that web2py is not > running any request. > > We need Tim! This is a problem. > > Massimo > > On Jul 22, 9:22 am, Michael Ellis <> wrote: > > > > > I've isolated the problem but absolutely do not understand it. I can > > reproduce it with a two-line change to web2py_ajax.html. Will someone with > > the time and equipment please attempt to replicate this as a sanity check? > > > Here's how: > > > In the welcome app's web2py_ajax.html, insert the following after line 3. > > response.files.insert(3,URL(r=request,c='static',f='jquery.sparkline.js')) > > response.files.insert(4,URL(r=request,c='static',f='jquery.timers-1.2.js')) > > > Copy the attached js files into welcome/static. They should be the same as > > the versions available online. > > > To reproduce the problem, serve web2py on your LAN. Open the welcome home > > page on two different machines. One of them can be on the server. Briskly > > reload the page 10 or more times on either machine then try to reload on the > > other. In my setup, the delay is reliably 25 seconds from the time I make > > the last click on the first machine. > > > I'm able to reproduce this in FF, Chrome, and Safari using the latest web2py > > from trunk. Haven't tried any other browsers yet. As noted previously both > > machines are MacBooks running Snow Leopard. > > > Mike > > > jquery.timers-1.2.js > > 4KViewDownload > > > jquery.sparkline.js > > 62KViewDownload