It turns out the error I got it was for a different syntactical
mistake I'd made.  The relevant error is slightly different:

TypeError: 'Rows' object is not callable

I assume this is because the .select() method returns a 'Rows' object?

On Jul 22, 4:09 pm, Michael Wolfe <>
> I'm still learning web2py, so bear with me.  I am trying to write a
> somewhat complex query and would like to build it as a series of
> smaller, easier to understand queries.  web2py seems to support this
> beautifully for INNER JOINs and WHERE clauses as explained 
> here:
> However, it appears that LEFT JOINs are not supported in the same way,
> because they are only available from within the .select() method.  I
> tried doing this and received the following error:
> TypeError: 'SQLJoin' object is not callable
> Is there any sort of workaround or am I stuck creating my left joins
> when I call .select()?
> Thanks,
> Mike

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