Hello, I have two simple tables: db.define_table('task', Field('subject','string',label='Název'), Field('body','text', label='Podrobný popis'), Field("created_by",db.auth_user, writable=False, readable=True, default=auth.user_id, label='Autor') )
db.define_table('reply', Field('body','text', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY(), label='Popis'), Field("task", db.task, label='Úkol', notnull=True, writable=False, readable=False ), ) How to specify DAL query to get all replies (table 'reply') that belongs to tasks(table 'task') which are created by currently logged user. (see relationship above: reply belongs to task, task has 'created_by' field which is the user id.) Thank you, David