One more thing.... because of design flask with generate and reuse pyc
file. In the case of web2py python code is executed. You have to
explicitly "bytecode compile" via admin. I am not sure if you have
done that.


On Jul 21, 3:36 am, mdipierro <> wrote:
> Hi Thadeus,
> I looked at the code you used for comparing web2py and Flask.
> Here is why:
> 1) you did not set migrate=False in web2py. This means at every
> request you lock the entire database table metadata to check whether
> the table has migrated. You do this while you have an open transaction
> with the postgresql database. For such short code, this essentially
> serializes all your requests. You should run it once with migrate=True
> and then run the tests with migrate=False.
> 2) in the case of Flask you use raw SQL for the queries. In the case
> of web2py you use DAL syntax. On such a short program I cannot say
> what the DAL overhead may be but certainly you have it in one case and
> not the other.
> 3) The web2py program has sessions enables (has to parse cookies,
> create and parse session files, store the session, files, generate new
> cookies and lock session files - at every request). You did not even
> set session.forget() which means a new session file is saved at every
> http request. The Flask program is doing nothing of this.
> Of course the Flask program under this conditions performs better.
> A more fair test would be:
> 1) set migrate=False in the web2py code
> 2) use SQLAchemy syntax for database queries in the flask code
> 3) enable serverside session in Flask code
> Massimo
> On Jul 18, 12:20 pm, Thadeus Burgess <> wrote:
> > Massimo, is not a valid application to be testing this on. Most
> > of what does is just render a template and display it, it hardly
> > does any kind of strenuous dbio.
> > As you know I have a few separate servers running different configurations.
> > I mainly decided to do this testing as to the problems I have had with my
> > application at work (which runs apache + mod_wsgi). I wondered if my blog
> > had the same issue (which when I ran ab tests on it and spiked its usage, it
> > did). Interesting thing is my blog ran on cherokee + uwsgi. I doubt it is a
> > configuration issue since I still have the same problem on two completely
> > different apps running completely different setups all different except
> > web2py. They both use postgres as well.
> > I am attaching the two apps that I tested, as well as a text file that
> > contains the raw ab tests that I collected to run
> > --
> > Thadeus
> > On Sun, Jul 18, 2010 at 4:39 AM, mdipierro <> wrote:
> > > Last week I run some tests. I can confirm I have NO dropped requests
> > > on running with the recommended configuration (apache
> > > +mod_wsgi 3.1).
> > > Here is the httpserver.log for 3 days of running (I removed the IPs
> > > from the logs and requests for static files served directly by
> > > apache).
> > >
> > > You can see that most pages are served in about 50 millisecond and all
> > > of them return a 200 OK.
> > > At  2010-07-08 16:58:22 I also run a test and you can see the logs for
> > > that. No propped request from ab.
> > > Clearly something is wrong with Thadues setup. I cannot help debug
> > > this if I cannot reproduce the problem.
> > > As soon as I have some time I will install uwsgi and try it.
> > > @Thadeus. Can you post the application you used for testing?
> > > Massimo
> >  AB_WEB2PY_FLASK.tar.lzma
> > 1011KViewDownload

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