This is a rudimentary example but it should get you started:

def formtest():
    form = SQLFORM.factory(Field('first'),Field('second'))
    submitrow = form.element(_type='submit').parent
    newrow = TR(LABEL('third'),INPUT(_type='text',_name='third'))
    addfields = INPUT(_type='button',_value='Add Fields',
                      _onclick="jQuery('form table').append('%s')" %
    return dict(form=form)

On Jul 20, 12:30 pm, ellimistd <> wrote:
> Is there a way I can use javascript/web2py to make a self submitting
> form that has some required fields, but also has a button, that, when
> clicked, adds another field?  Actually, I need it to add two fields,
> in a way that works as a dictionary = one form's content acts as the
> way to call the other from the object, once submitted.  These could be
> stored simply as data in the row, or preferably all of them would be
> stored as a single sub-dictionary.
> Is there any built-in way I can do this?

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