This issue only happens for records that were created before I added the .requires fields. Error handling on new records works as expected... so... is it still a bug?
On Jul 11, 9:15 am, Rob <> wrote: > db.define_table('Category', > Field('name')) > > db.define_table('Item', > Field('category', db.Category), > Field('description'), > Field('need', 'boolean'), > Field('image', 'upload')) > > db.Item.category.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, > db.Item.description.requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY() > db.Item.image.requires = IS_IMAGE() > > def details(): > item = request.args(0) > form = crud.update(db.Item, item, next=URL(r=request, args=item)) > return dict(form=form) > > It allows me to upload PDFs and flashes 'record updated'