Hello Troex,

I very much like elRTE but I cannot find a way to customize the header
beyond the tiny, compact, etc. options. I would like have a toolbar
bold, italic, underline, color, underline, alignment options, heading/
paragraph options, ul, ol, link, image, flash, table, expand but no
save and no font size/face option. I would like it to fit in one
line.  Is this possible? where can i find documentation?

On 1 Lug, 05:22, Troex Nevelin <tr...@fury.scancode.ru> wrote:
> About starting google group I think no, this is more political
> question, we have our own resources (git, issues, wiki, forum). People
> who develop elRTE and elFinder also develop commercial projects
> therefore it is good to have all development in one place. Btw
> elFinder was started not "just for fun" but as commercial need.
> > About elRTE, do you plan to integrate it with elfinder and python as
> well?
> elFinder integrates well with elRTE here is 
> dochttp://elrte.ru/redmine/projects/elfinder/wiki/Integration_EN
> elRTE is pure javascript so no need to integrate it with python, maybe
> only write a little helper.
> About Spanish, I don't speak it. Spanish translation is done by one of
> our contributers who live in Spain and now he is stuck with Java
> connector. Our team is all Russians and have difficulties speaking/
> writing English, except me (I'm not russian but Russian is native
> language to me). I'm responsible for all non-russian communication.
> elRTE and especially elFinder are now well known in Russian IT
> community and market, some big companies already integrated elFinder
> in their products but this is not true for the rest of the world.
> Maybe you can give some advices how or where to promote our open
> source projects. I really believe we can hit the world with our
> projects.

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