WOW. Thank you. I tried fill the blank but I need to read it again


On 29 Giu, 11:08, Craig Younkins <> wrote:
> Hello there! My name is Craig Younkins. I'm a summer intern at OWASP,
> the Open Web Application Security Project. This summer I'm working
> heavily on web security in Python.
> First, I would like to praise Dr. Di Pierro and all the web2py
> contributors for their focus on security. Examining the OWASP Top 10
> ( is a great way to
> start. Keep it up!
> Second, I'd like to invite the web2py community over to a site I've
> started about security in Python - The
> site aims to be the central hub for security in Python, and right now
> has a focus on web security. Inside there are articles specific to
> software like frameworks as well as articles related to security
> topics like cross-site scripting. We also have a Google Group (http://
> which I encourage the
> developers to join. There you can get answers to your Python security
> questions. I hope you check it out!
> Lastly, I'd like to encourage you to take a look at web2py's page on
> - I
> haven't had the time yet to examine web2py in detail, but on that page
> there is a pretty well-defined template of questions to be answered.
> Going through the list there will help the developers see areas in
> web2py that could use improvement, as well as documenting the
> strengths for other frameworks to model off of.
> Thanks!
> Craig Younkins

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