On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 18:40, Giuseppe Luca Scrofani <glsdes...@gmail.com> wrote: > So simple and so effective :D Thanks my hero. Im now able to login in > the admin panel with the same root password of the system, but Im > unable to install any appliances, made by me or dowloaded from the > appliance archive and uploaded to the node. It simply response a flash > popup telling "unable to install application x". Any idea? There is a > sort of system log to look into, searching for events like this? > >> edit the url and replace http:// with https://
I don't know a lot about the script you've used, but maybe you are running web2py with a user (let's say, www-data?) that doesn't have write access to the applications' path. You can change this executing: chown -R user_that_run_web2py /path/to/web2py and then restarting Apache. -- Álvaro Justen - Turicas http://blog.justen.eng.br/ 21 9898-0141