I was also getting this error on my first go at sending mail using

I looked at the code in gluon/tools.py for sending gae mail :

  elif self.settings.server == 'gae':
    from google.appengine.api import mail
    attachments = attachments and [(a.my_filename,a.my_payload) for a
in attachments]
    result = mail.send_mail(sender=self.settings.sender, to=to,
                            subject=subject, body=text, html=html,

and retried after removing the attachments=attachments from the
send_mail and it worked if I send both text and html versions of the

I assume gae does not like the attachments value being None.


On Jun 11, 9:25 pm, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> if you use server='gae' you should use login=None
> Not sure if this is the problem anyway. Do you get any error?
> On 11 Giu, 10:12, pecos1046 <pecos1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I use the email verification option for new user registration. It
> > works fine in test mode on the google-appengine sdk. However when I
> > upload the application to Google and change the smtp server to "gae"
> > it is unable to send the verification email. The GoogleGAElog show
> > the following warning message:
> >Mail.send failure:May not set empty value for 'attachments'
> > Here are my settings:
> >mail=Mail( )
> >mail.settings.server='gae'    # your SMTP server
> >mail.settings.sender='....@gmail.com'
> >mail.settings.tls = True
> >mail.settings.login='....@gmail.com:password'
> > auth.settings.mailer=mail
> > I appreciate any help and suggestions.
> > Peter

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