On 2010-06-10 15:05, mr.freeze wrote:
Another option: http://www.web2pyslices.com/main/slices/take_slice/70

On Jun 10, 2:02 pm, mdipierro<mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu>  wrote:

On Jun 10, 1:57 pm, Jean Guy<jean...@gmail.com>  wrote:

I don't remember how I come with this link 
But it could serve my needs for sometime...
I'm not experienced at all with jquery. I would like to use it with web2py
mainly cause it seems to let the possibility to group differents query
results in the same drop down. I don't need to let choose more then one
thing at a time, but I need to show up all the differents types of things
that can be choose.
What I understand so far is that the only things I have to do is give the ID
(HTML tag ID?) of SQL request made with web2py and the output will take
appearance of dropbox multiple list with OptGroup...
Where do I have to unpack the plugin in the web2py tree?

Is the slice supports the use of OptGroup functionnality offered by the jQuery plugin?

I would like to know if it possible to not let pick more than one element with the plugin and use only the OptGroup functionnality?

What I really need is a dropbox that let grouping differents types of element, but only one at a time could be picked.

Does that I will have to create my own widget?


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