true. Let me give this some thought.

meanshile you can do

outes_in = (
   ('/$c/$f\.$ext', '/init/$c/$f.$ext'),


outes_in = (
   ('/$c/$anything', '/init/$c/$anything'),

On 11 Giu, 14:41, NickFranceschina <> wrote:
> I know file extensions are optional... but you do have some nice
> functionality in there that allows passing file extensions on to the
> view... so if I were to request "app/controller/function.html" I would
> get the matching (or generic) .html template... but if I were to
> request "app/controller/function.json" I could get the matching (or
> generic) .json template... and so on and so forth
> problem is that when I try to use ... and I enter in the
> defaults suggested in the documentation
> routes_in = (
>   ('/$c/$f', '/init/$c/$f'),
> )
> this ends up building a regular expression that won't match a
> "function" part of the URL if it has an extension... so it only works
> if the URL looks like this:
>    app/controller/function
> not this
>    app/controller/function.html
> I had to modify my route to look like this:
>    ('/$c/$f(\\.\\w+)?', '/init/$c/$f')
> now it works... but this should really be put into the framework (have
> to change the way you're doing the compile_re() inside of
> didn't know how else to notify the guys in charge of the code... so
> just writing it here...
> -Nick Franceschina

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