Notwithstanding my backup option of using links instead of
attachments, I discovered a way to make email attachments work for
both PC users as well as Mac users:

Line 294 of
   payload_in = MIMEMultipart.MIMEMultipart('related')

changed to:
   payload_in = MIMEMultipart.MIMEMultipart('mixed')

Not sure this is a 'bug' as such, but perhaps the wrong Content-Type
for what I want. Maybe Macs are more strict about protocol than PCs.

I used the following to come to this conclusion.

Content-Type 'multipart/related' consists of a root part which
references other parts inline.

Content-Type 'multipart/mixed' is used for sending files with
different "Content-Type" headers inline or as attachments.

Whatever, it works for all my users now.


On Jun 9, 10:46 am, Bob_in_Comox <> wrote:
> I send email out to 150 club members. No problems with simple emails.
> However with attachments only PC users can see and download them,
> while Mac uses cannot even see the attachments.
> using web2py 1.79.1 on webfaction with webfaction email servers
> My code (simplified):
> from import Mail
> attachments = [Mail.Attachment(path-to-file1, filename=filename1)]
> mail = Mail( '', club-email-address, club-email-
> login)
> mail.send(
>                 to = [club-member-addresses],
>                 subject = subject,
>                 message = plain-text-message,
>                 attachments = attachments,
>                 reply_to = my-email-address)
> I do not change any default mail.settings.
> If I cannot fix this, my backup option will be to store attachments on
> our server, and use links to these in the message instead of
> attachments.
> Thanks for any suggestions.
> Bob

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