I have no problem to dealing with large amounts of files its just the
underlaying filesystem is just not for storing large number of files
in one directory. I speak about ext2/ext3 which I use...
Some threads about it:

"My personal rule of thumb is to aim for a directory size of <= 20k
files, although I've seen relatively decent performance with up to
100k files/directory."


On jún. 9, 12:40, Jason Brower <encomp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I wonder if it would be better to sort by type.
> /uploads/table_name/field_name/
> Working with those images/files should be done from a database don't you
> think?  When I deal with large amounts of files I use the console.
> BR,
> Jason Brower
> On Tue, 2010-06-08 at 23:45 -0700, szimszon wrote:
> > I wasn't able to continue the thread in
> >  http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_frm/thread/a81248fec1dce...
> > So...
> > I imagine that I would have lots of files say some 10 000 or more. :)
> > I think with ext3/ext2... filesystems so many files in one directory
> > is a mess.
> > Is there absoute out of question to have upload/download to handle
> > this issue in trunk?
> > I think of some kind of directory structure like one directory (say
> > upload/0) has X number of files then the new one (upload/1) is created
> > and the new files are stored in it...
> > ...and download could handle it out of the box.
> > Or the generated filenames first or first two character is the
> > directory name under upload/ and the file is stored under that
> > directory... it could be a Field switch which defaults to the old
> > behavior...

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