I think I was just bitten by a naming bug... I named my application starting with a number and for a few days everything worked fine until that fateful night when i tried to local_import something...
Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\4x2-server\web2py\gluon\restricted.py", line 178, in restricted exec ccode in environment File "C:/4x2-server/web2py/applications/4x2/models/plugin_scheduler.py", line 30, in <module> scheduler_module = local_import('scheduler') File "C:\4x2-server\web2py\gluon\compileapp.py", line 227, in <lambda> local_import_aux(name,reload,app) File "C:\4x2-server\web2py\gluon\compileapp.py", line 165, in local_import_aux exec("import %s as mymodule" % name) in env File "<string>", line 1 import applications.4x2.modules.scheduler as mymodule ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax (The carrot is over the 4 if it isn't obvious from a fixed width font) I assume that Python doesn't allow module to start with a number? If this is the case and I created the application through the web interface, it should probably check at the create application step, and now I need to think of a way to change my directory structure in my source control as I rename the project :)