Sorry, I have not used the plug-in with inline editing.
On 06/07/2010 11:53 PM, Tomy wrote:
Thanks Jason. I have already this plug-in(inline edit) used, but
validation(for Date and Time) is not working well. Do you have already
used this plug-in or do you have a solution for validation?
On 7 Jun., 16:33, Jason Lotz<> wrote:
Eban Software has a pretty nice web2py plugin with out-of-the-box
inline editing configured.
Install plugin and use with
# Controller
def show_grid():
# View
{{extend 'layout.html'}}
There is also an jqgrid plugin on web2py plugins which you can pretty
easily mod for add, delete, edit if you dare venture that way.
On Jun 7, 9:39 pm, Tomy<> wrote:
can someone give an complate examples of jqGrid (with add, delete,
edit function) ?
I write a project, so I absolutely need. I can not continue
thanks& regards