Thanks for the reply Massimo.  It has only just 'clicked' for me how
easy it is to put up a site on a Linux VPS (as long as it is not
running any other web server / sites).  I'm not expecting much traffic
so there's no need for me to worry about Apache / mod_wsgi and I have
no need to run appadmin on the public server.  It really is as simple
as downloading web2py, removing welcome app and examples, uploading my
app and then starting web2py with:

python --ip= --port=80

(as explained here:

Or to make sure web2py starts with the server, using the supplied or and updating DAEMON_ARGS with the
above port an ip options. (Note - important not to confuse the above
ubuntu file with

This makes deploying a low traffic site (e.g. personal blog)
remarkably easy.  Unless I'm missing something, I wonder if this
should be made clearer in the book / docs somewhere?  It's certainly
an attractive way to get something public up and running quickly on a
cheap VPS plan.

On Jun 4, 6:46 am, mdipierro <> wrote:
> I have run cherrypy on a production site for a while for a while. The
> CERN people use cherrypy to serve images from the Large Linear
> Collider. I trust rocket even more but I do not have data or direct
> experience of its use in production.
> On Jun 3, 5:46 pm, knitatoms <> wrote:
> > Is it the intention that web2py can be deployed using Rocket for
> > production sites?

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