Exactly, We can copy flask and add the same configuration module which
implements everything and more of what you just described.


On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 4:33 PM, Doug Warren <doug.war...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What I was thinking was something we use in the gaming world, called a
> console variable, you can specify their values in code, in a config
> file, through an in app interface, or through the command line.
> In web2py terms, I was thinking to make a global singleton that when
> first instantiated would scan sys.argv for things that looked like
> command arguments in the form of +Key Value or +Key=Value and then
> parse that to a global vs appliation level dict IE:
> +welcome.banner="Hello" vs +admin.banner "Hola" vs banner="hi" when an
> application queries the system, it would exec request.env.web2py_path
> + appliation which would look like:
> convars = ConVars()
> convars.database_string = "sqlite://file.sql"
> convars.debug = 1
> convars.arbitrarysettinghere = 2
> further dragging in new variables and overriding those that are on the
> command line.  (This last distinction is open to debate as it could be
> considered easier to change a file than to change the command line.)
> There would also be a global level file to be read that can just
> define all known variables and their defaults.  Finally a database
> table could be defined and a controller set that would represent the
> final most dynamic version of the config that can be updated in real
> time.
> A db or controller could then invoke it like
> convars = ConVars(request)
> if convars.debug:
>    # Handle debug case
> On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 12:26 PM, Thadeus Burgess <thade...@thadeusb.com> 
> wrote:
>> Or... we can copy flask and integrate a configuration module..
>> God I pray we never use something like
>> `0_local_config_pls_dont_pack_dont_commit.py` INTO web2py. web2py and
>> its naming conventions >.<
>> --
>> Thadeus
>> On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 10:22 AM, Iceberg <iceb...@21cn.com> wrote:
>>> I think Doug's puzzle deserves a more general solution. The
>>> requirement and challenge is:
>>> R1. The app's central source code should contain default setting.
>>> R2. The app's multiple deployment instances should be allowed to
>>> contain its local setting.
>>> R3. And after the next "hg update", the default setting in (R1) should
>>> not override the local setting in (R2).
>>> My solution contains two steps:
>>> Step1: Use myapp/models/0_config.py to store default setting, such as:
>>>    MY_HOST = 'http://localhost'
>>>    MY_EMAIL = 'f...@bar.com'
>>>    MY_PASSWORD = 'blah'
>>>    MY_DB = 'sqlite://storage.sqlite'
>>> Step2: Use myapp/models/0_local_config_pls_dont_pack_dont_commit.py to
>>> store instance-wide local setting, such as:
>>>    MY_HOST = 'http://myaccount.my_vps_provider.com'
>>>    MY_EMAIL = 'my_real_acco...@for_example_hotmail.com'
>>>    MY_PASSWORD = 'i_will_never_share_it'
>>>    MY_DB = 'mysql://'
>>> To reach this goal, two things need to be adjusted in web2py source
>>> code:
>>> Thing1: add 0_local_config_pls_dont_pack_dont_commit.py into /
>>> web2py/.hgignore
>>> Thing2: adjust the admin's pack code, to NOT pack the new
>>> 0_local_config_pls_dont_pack_dont_commit.py
>>> On Jun3, 10:23pm, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
>>>> they can see request.env.host_name and you can use hostnames like <bla
>>>> bla bla>.yourdomain.com
>>>> you can symlink different apps to the same one so you have one but it
>>>> will see different request.application depending on the request
>>>> On Jun 3, 8:50 am, Doug Warren <doug.war...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> > Is there a preferred way to handle multiple instances of the same
>>>> > application installed on the same machine?  Say for instance is
>>>> > there's 3 dev environments and 2 staging environments on one server
>>>> > pointing at different databases?  Is there a preferred way of getting
>>>> > the configuration to each unique app?  IE: Can a view/db/controller
>>>> > see a parameter placed in either options_std or parameters_PORTNO?  I
>>>> > guess what I'm really after is a way to specify at a minimum the
>>>> > database that an application can point at but have it contained
>>>> > outside the application itself.
>>>> > IE:
>>>> > foo.w2p is uploaded
>>>> > foo.w2p is installed as foo
>>>> > foo.w2p is installed as foo-dev
>>>> > foo.w2p is installed as foo-dev2
>>>> > foo.w2p is installed as foo-stag
>>>> > Without having to edit db.py in each of those environments I'd like to
>>>> > have a way of saying foo-stag should use this connect string, and have
>>>> > it survive the next time I upload a new foo.w2p and overwrite the one
>>>> > that's there.

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