Here's an example if what I'm trying to do with NBSP() ------ Make a BIG eye-catching response.flash without using the dashes..
See attached file. if form.accepts(request.vars, session): response.flash = TABLE(TR(' '),TR(' '),TR(' '), TR('------------ Center This ------------') , TR(' '), TR(' '), TR(' ') ) On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 12:10 PM, mdipierro <> wrote: > I'd rather avoid to pollute the name space too much. You can do > > def NBSP(n=1): return XML(' '*n) > > On May 30, 11:32 am, NetAdmin <> wrote: > > It would be nice to have a non-breaking space html-helper that uses > > the following syntax... > > > > NBSP(), or NBSP(5) > > > > Any Takers? >
<<attachment: center2.png>>