On May 26, 9:58 pm, Graham Dumpleton <graham.dumple...@gmail.com>
> On May 26, 3:26 pm, Richard <richar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Occasionally after heavily using my web2py app I get:
> > """
> > Proxy Error
> > The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
> > The proxy server could not handle the request GET /.
> > Reason: Error reading from remote server
> > """
> What is generating that? If you are using Apache/mod_wsgi the proxy
> module isn't involved.
> Is that error from a front end proxy server.

I installed web2py with this script on webfaction:

which uses "Python 2.5 along with Apache + mod_wsgi v2.5"

> > The apache server is still running but the app won't work until I
> > reset apache.
> > These are the common errors from the Apache log:
> >  server reached MaxClients setting, consider raising the MaxClients
> > setting
> Which means Apache and/or mod_wsgi daemon mode isn't configured with
> enough processes/threads to handle the concurrent load you are
> getting.

hmm, it's just me and I am not making concurrent requests. However
each serial request I make returns ~1MB of data.

> >  mod_wsgi (pid=20021): Exception occurred processing WSGI script '/
> > apachewsgi/web2py/wsgihandler.py'.
> >  IOError: client connection closed
> Means that client connection got dropped. This can occur when
> impatient user pressed reload on page before it returns response, or
> leaves page via link before returns response.
> > Any ideas?
> > Not sure if the problem is with web2py or Apache configuration.
> Not really enough information as don't know what MPM you are using,
> how you configured the MPM, how you are using mod_wsgi, how you
> configured it etc etc.

what does MPM stand for?
None of these looked relevant: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MPM

> If a restart is required, could be that your Python code isn't
> multithread safe and you are experiencing thread deadlocks thereby
> using up threads and locking out new requests.

hopefully not - I just have a web2py controller returning data from a
sqlite database.

I have had trouble with webfaction lately so am going to try running
the same app on slicehost and see what happens.


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