Hi Massimo, I'm trying T3 and cube9 (http://code.google.com/p/cube9/) your new attempt to rewrite T3. I love T3 !
Correct me if I am wrong about this: The only way to check 'is_admin' at T3 in models/db.py, is: is_admin=(t2.logged_in and (not settings.administrator_emails or t2.person_email in settings.administrator_emails)) All emails in settings.administratos_emails has 'is_admin' privileges, hasn`t it? And I have to set administrator_emails manually, is this correct? Then if i am the only administrador and delete it by mistake, 'is_admin' will be always True, and all logged users will have 'is_admin' privileges Am I missing something in current T3 about this? Or is that the reason to rewrite cube9? I am about to use T3 on production this week, but now i am confused. T3 doesn´t redefine auth_user, but cube9 does, adding an 'is_admin' field=True by default (I change to False, ok ) cube9 checks variable 'is_admin' which depends on two records of auth_user: is_admin = auth.user_id and auth.user.is_admin or auth.user_id==1 de My dude is, if the first user (admin) is deleted by any reason, will user_id be ==1 again in future registrations? Anyway, which one to choose for production? T3 or cube9? or web2py by now? Thanks alot, i hope i 'll contribute with web2py project some day :D PD: sorry my poor english