Can you explain a liitle more? You are actually seeing two forms in the browser?

If I understand you correctly upon first loading the page you get the grid and a form with default id. When you select a row in the grid the default form is not reloaded with the new id but a second form appears. You see a grid and two forms. Is that right?

Double check your id's. It could be that adding the extra jQuery ("#grid_id").jqGrid({ onSelectRow: .... }) in the view is conflicting with a function in the plugin. I would try making a quick test using the web2py jqgrid_plugin (which is a very nicely integrated plugin ) and see if you get the same issue. If not then it is a conflict with your plugin script.

It's passing 1:45am here so I will take a look at this editable_plugin tomorrow morning and see if I can find something, if you haven't solved it by then.

On May 21, 2010, at 0:50, AsmanCom <> wrote:

You helped me a lot, man!

i´ve tried like you suggested, i only keeped the LOAD, but it´s the
Page is loading the Grid, underneath the Grid rises "loading" and then
a new layer pops up with with the form in the default Template (Its
showed twice).

I´ve checked:

But it doesent´t helped very much.

It seems I am stucked, right before finish... ;-(

Any help is appreciated, would so cool if I could get this done today.

Dieter Asman

On 20 Mai, 17:23, Jason Lotz <> wrote:
web2py LOAD function will create generate <div
id="target">Loading...</div> and fills your component. I'm sorry I can't
test it right now but it seems that by adding the <div></div> in your
view and including the LOAD you are creating two form. Maybe try remove
your div and only keep the  LOAD.

{{extend 'layout.html'}}
<h1>This is the default/test.html template</h1>
<script type="text/javascript">
{jQuery("#grid_id").jqGrid({onSelectRow: function(postdata)

check out LOAD function doc show/252

On 05/21/2010 12:09 AM, AsmanCom wrote:

Many thanks, it go�s in the right direction now.

I am using the show_example
, but it is quite similar.

Now the is loaded is loaded with the default template and then a
second layer covers it with the form and the default Template(loaded

The code so far:


{{extend 'layout.html'}}
<h1>This is the default/test.html template</h1>
<script type="text/javascript">
{jQuery("#grid_id").jqGrid({onSelectRow: function(postdata)
<div id="my_form"></div>


def jqgrid_table_test():
dict(jqgrid_table=plugin_editable_jqgrid (db.jqgrid_table,grid_name='jqgrid_table',db_name='db'))

def form():
     #id = request.args[0]
     form = SQLFORM(db.jqgrid_table)
     if form.accepts(request.vars, session):
         response.flash = 'form accepted'
     elif form.errors:
         response.flash = 'form has errors'
         response.flash = 'please fill out the form'
     return dict(form=form)

On 20 Mai, 16:55, Jason Lotz<>  wrote:

Are you using the web2py jqgrid_plugin?

On 05/20/2010 11:53 PM, AsmanCom wrote:

can this be caused by the function, which set in /static/
plugin_editable_jqgrid/plugin_editable_jqgrid.js ?:

     onSelectRow: function(id){
       if(id&&    lastSel!=''&&    id!==lastSel){
       jQuery(grid_name).editRow(id, true, '', '', '', '',
function(rowid, resultText){reload(grid_name,rowid, resultText);});
      pager: pager,
      sortorder: 'desc',
      multiselect: true,
      viewrecords: true,
      caption: caption

Thank  you in advance.

Dieter Asman

On 20 Mai, 15:52, Jason Lotz<>    wrote:


<script type="text/javascript">
       onSelectRow: function(postdata) {
web2py_ajax_page('get','/myapp/default/form/'+ (postdata),null,'my_form');}});

On 05/20/2010 10:45 PM, AsmanCom wrote:

Thanks for your effort, but it gives an empty page..
I will use two or more Grids at least one of them must keep the
"editable" behaveure.
But in this case it should work like your approach, controlling the

May i missed something..?
Could you tell me how to set up the form?

should the view look something like that?:

       onSelectRow: function(postdata) {

<div id='my_form'></div>

Thank  you in advance.

Dieter Asman

On 20 Mai, 14:54, Jason Lotz<>      wrote:

You could try passing SCRIPT from the controller.

## View
{{extend 'layout.html'}}
<h1>This is the default/test.html template</h1>

## Controller
def jqgrid_table_test():
       script = """jQuery(document).ready(function(){
                           onSelectRow: function(postdata)
(postdata),null,'my_form'); }});"""
       return SCRIPT(script)

I haven't tested this so let me know if it works out for you.

I am only using a single grid for my app so I actually included the
onSelectRow event to /models/jqgrid_plugin. The function
plugin_jqgrid() is where the default jqgrid script is retrieved when the {{=plugin_jqgrid(db.table,columns=[...])}} is called. If you do it this way you will want to add it to the .jqGrid({ }) parameters not in
the 'navGrid', 'toolbar' or other extended option parameters.


On May 20, 8:47 pm, AsmanCom<>      wrote:

Could you help me setting this up too?

This is the view:

{{extend 'layout.html'}}
<h1>This is the default/test.html template</h1>
       onSelectRow: function(postdata) {


This is the Controller:

def jqgrid_table_test():
dict(jqgrid_table=plugin_editable_jqgrid (db.jqgrid_table,grid_name='jqgrid_ table',db_name='db'))

def form():
       id = request.args[0]
name:",INPUT(_type="text",_name="name",requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY ())),
email:",INPUT(_type="text",_name="email",requires=IS_EMAIL ())), TR("Admin",INPUT (_type="checkbox",_name="admin")),

TR("Sure?",SELECT('yes','no',_name="sure",requires=IS_IN_SET (['yes','no'])) ), TR("Profile",TEXTAREA (_name="profile",value="write
something here")),
TR("",INPUT (_type="submit",_value="SUBMIT"))))
       if form.accepts(request.vars,session):
           response.flash="form accepted"
       elif form.errors:
           response.flash="form is invalid"
           response.flash="please fill the form"
       return dict(form=form,vars=form.vars)


The JQGrid works, but underneath the Grid i only see the following
jQuery("#grid_id").jqGrid({ onSelectRow: function(postdata)
{ web2py_ajax_page('get','/core/default/form/'+
(postdata),null,'my_form'); } });

It would be very nice if you could help me gettin this to work.
Thank  you in advance.

Dieter Asman

On 17 Mai, 08:22, Jason Lotz<>      wrote:

Thanks mdipierro!!

I actually saw that in the header of the generated page but didn't put it together. For what ever reason, trying to call web2py_component from another function wouldn't work, but calling web2py_ajax_page
directly worked!

Working code:

       onSelectRow: function(postdata) {
web2py_ajax_page('get','/Test/default/ a_form/'+



On May 17, 2:35 pm, mdipierro<> wrote:

This is the definition of web2py_component

function web2py_component(action,target)


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