caching downloads does not make sense. This is because the role of
download is to check permissions to download a file (if they are set).
if you cache it then you do not check. If you do not need to check do
not use download. Use
def mydownload():

or better use the web server to download the uploaded files.

On May 4, 6:11 pm, Mariano Reingart <> wrote:
> To cache images, I'm trying to do:
> @cache(request.env.path_info,60,cache.ram)
> def download(): return,db)
> But seems that is not working:
> (see images at sidebar, if you quickly reload pages, they fail)
> The book says something about response.render, but nothing about download...
> Anyway, I'm not sure if this is a good use of @cache, are there any other way 
> ?
> BTW, why Cache-Control: no?...
> Best regards,
> Mariano Reingart

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