Option A2: Make the models a function placed inside of a module that
lives on applications/my_lib_app/modules/my_stuff.py, then in each of
your apps you write local_import('my_stuff', app='my_lib_app')

It does not require extra installation on the production machines, you
just need to install three (instead your original two) normal web2py

I know this breaks the normalcy that "app should be atomic therefore
should not rely on each other". But hey, it is your choice to make you
feel comfortable. In fact I have my_lib_app for a long time. Shhhh,
don't tell that to Massimo.  ;)


On Apr30, 1:52am, Thadeus Burgess <thade...@thadeusb.com> wrote:
> I know this has come up previously, however there is still no good
> solution to this problem.
> I have two apps that I want them to share a couple of the same
> database models. In import-based frameworks this is easy, you just
> import the database models like any other python package.
> So far these are the potential work-arounds to the issue.
> * Make the models a function placed inside of a module that lives on
> the sys.path. You must pass a db object to this function and it can
> create the db models.
> * Separate the shared models and place them in their own model/*.py.
> Symlink this with the other app that shares the model.
> * Combine both apps together, but use routes hacks and other boolean
> flags to determine what models get executed.
> The issue is not of is it possible, but what is maintainable.
> Option C is a nightmare to maintain each of the little boolean flags
> that determine what should get executed.
> Option B is a disaster waiting to happen on the production machines.
> Option A seems to be the best, but requires extra installation on the
> production machines, since this module now becomes a "dependency" of
> the web2py apps.
> Which would you use? Have any other suggestions?
> --
> Thadeus

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