I like your proposal. I will try it tonight and include in trunk.

On Apr 27, 2:09 pm, Skiros <hansen.marc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am using LOAD function and I have some problems with forms that do
> not use a submit button in order to send the data. This is because
> web2py_trap_form only catch that type of "INPUT".
> The problem is when a form uses other ways to send the data. For
> example "A" or "IMG" tags, and especially when there is some function
> to copy or to validate things.
> My proposal is to modify web2py_trap_form to catch the event
> "onsubmit" replacing this:
> function web2py_trap_form(...
> jQuery('input[type="submit"]',this).click(function(){
> ...)
> with this
> function web2py_trap_form(...
> this.onsubmit = function(){
> ...)
> This would allow us to include the function "onsubmit" within any
> function that we need to execute before sending the information. And
> to make reality things like
> <script>
> Function MyFunction(form,name){
>  if (name != ""){
>    form.onsubmit();
>  }}
> </script>
> <form id="myform">
>    <input id="name" type="hidden">
> </form>
> <a href="javascript: MyFunction('myform','Skiros');">
> --
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