The problem happens in this requires IS_NOT_IN_DB(db(db.companyapplication.application==request.vars.application),,error_message='combination of company en application already in database')]
because the field naming choice makes it impossible to tell apart in request.vars which application is being referenced on each side of the comparison, on the left side companyapplication.application refers to an while on the right side it refers to application.application, a string. to get around this redefine table companyapplication as follows db.define_table('companyapplication', Field('company_id',,), Field('application_id',db.application), migrate=False) and update the requires to reflect the new naming db.companyapplication.company_id.requires=[IS_IN_DB(db,,'% (company)s'), IS_NOT_IN_DB(db(db.companyapplication.application_id==request.vars.application_id),db.companyapplication.company_id,error_message='combination of company and application already in database')] db.companyapplication.application_id.requires=IS_IN_DB(db,,'% (application)s') Following such a convention (adding '_id' to denote a reference) is highly recommended. Denes. -- Subscription settings: