Hi there,

I'm attempting validate a multiple select against a set of values.

def test():
    form = FORM(INPUT(_name='title', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
                SELECT([1,2], _name='locations', _multiple='multiple',
requires=IS_IN_SET([1,2], multiple=True, error_message='Please select
several locations')),
                INPUT(_type='submit', _value='Save'))

   if form.accepts(request.vars, session):

   return dict(form=form)

In test.html:

{{= form }}

<h2>Submitted variables</h2>

{{= BEAUTIFY(request.vars) }}

<h2>Accepted Variables</h2>

{{= BEAUTIFY(form.vars) }}

<h2>Errors in form</h2>

{{= BEAUTIFY(form.errors) }}

when I submit the form with _no entries or selections_ I get:

Submitted variables
title   :
Accepted Variables
locations       :       ||              <---- This is wrong. I must provide a 
value from the
title   :
Errors in form
title   :       enter a value

Is this possibly a bug or I am doing something wrong here?

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