Hi thanks for advices, I'll check it using guppy-heapy in appadmin.

Yes, the benefits of caching are obvious. My project has one central
table with about 100 fields representing 'user' and about 100 other
tables. To allow rich relations and searching and other interaction
among users, without caching it was necessary to run many complex
queries (or tons of simple queries) and process the results per each
request. If I cache the processed results now, times for the complex
requests dropped from about 10 secs to about 1 s and do not rise too
sharply with additional users, but sorry, I do not have the exact
results stored.

The fact that still I have to instantiate object per each user in each
request to not loose track of a current session and other globals (as
discussed in 
) surely affects the performance, but still it seems beneficial


On Apr 9, 11:56 pm, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> If you have multiple processes make sure all of them call
> cache.ram.clear() or consider using cache.disk().
> Can you give us some data about performance benefits?
> If you discover anything about the cause for this problem, please keep
> us posted.
> Massimo
> On Apr 9, 4:28 pm, David Zejda <d...@atlas.cz> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm aggresively caching nearly everything.. it helped to reduce
> > database queries and increase performance in result. But I have
> > another problem now - memory usage slowly grows, during a day my
> > server eats about 2 GB. If I flush cache by clear() function, it does
> > not help much. Something it's leaking perhaps.
> > Please, do you use any tool to inspect what a hell is in the memory?
> > Thanks!
> > David

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