On Apr 5, 2010, at 3:15 AM, DenesL wrote:

> Thank you Jonathan and sorry that I have not been able to contribute
> more.
> Until we find a way to fix the missing part it is not really usable.
> At the risk of repeating myself, this is not only about blanks being
> converted to underscores which is not the only sanitizing of args done
> by web2py, this will allow any character to be processed, for example
> characters with different types of accents so common in Dutch,
> French, Spanish, and many other languages.
> For those interested it should be stressed that by turning on this
> feature the developer has to take responsibility of sanitizing the
> args.

The basic problem here (or at least one of the basic problems) is the way the 
routes.py logic handles '?' in separating vars from the rest of the URL, and 
then reassembling the URL after processing. It's definitely broken for anything 
that encodes a question mark in args.

All I was saying above is that the new logic solves a subset of problems, 
including spaces in args. It's definitely not a complete solution.

> On Apr 4, 6:55 pm, Jonathan Lundell <jlund...@pobox.com> wrote:
>> On Apr 4, 2010, at 4:37 PM, DenesL wrote:
>>> It should be noted that there was some work done towards enabling an
>>> alternate setting that would allow the developer access to the
>>> unchanged (raw) args but it has not been finished yet.
>>> This would allow any character set in args which I believe mainly
>>> concerns non-English speaking developers/users.
>>> If any of you feel, as I do, that this is important please voice your
>>> concern.
>> The raw args feature is available in the current release. Specify it for a 
>> particular app in routes.py, and request.raw_args will have the unprocessed 
>> args. %20 will be converted to space.
>> URL rewriting is still somewhat broken, especially when a ? is involved. 
>> I've got a plan to address that too, but I haven't had a lot of time to put 
>> in on it.
>>> Denes.
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