On Apr 5, 9:14 am, Jason Lotz <jayl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to pass an XML string with custom TAG to a view, but I'm
> having trouble with syntax.
> Required XML Syntax:
> <rows>
>         <row id="unique_rowid">
>             <cell>cell content</cell>
>             <cell>cell content</cell>
>         </row>
> </rows>
> The code string in the controller:
> rowxml=TAG.rows(*[TAG.row(*[TAG.cell(r[f]) for f in rowflds]) for r in
> rows])

rowxml=TAG.rows(*[TAG.row(_id='abc', *[TAG.cell(r[f]) for f in
rowflds]) for r in rows])

> The above code string creates the XML structure I need but I'm missing
> the "unique_rowid". I have tried several ways to included _id=r but I
> get syntax errors.
> Can someone help me with the syntax to add id= in the <row>?
> --Jay

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