I would like to add a list of web2py hosting providers that people can
contribute to. Wiki doesn't seem ready (see above) - any other


On Mar 25, 11:54 am, Richard <richar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I tried using the wiki and have some feedback:
> How do I create a new page? The front page suggests going to "Pages
> section and clicking on the create new page link", but this link does
> not exist.
> How do I edit a page? When I try editing I get "The page isn't
> redirecting properly".
> By default accounts do not have edit/create privileges. I guess this
> would reduce abuse but it will also reduce input by genuine users.
> Could this be reconsidered?
> Also what is the current process for requesting edit/create
> privileges? This is not covered on the front page.
> If I go to a page that does not exist 
> (eghttp://wiki.web2py.com/page_that_does_not_exist)
> I get a redirect error. Would it be possible to redirect to a create
> new page form with this name, Wikipedia style?
> The "forgot password" feature lets me reset the password of any email
> address. Could an email instead be sent with a link to reset the
> password?
> Also the reminder was classified as spam by gmail. Perhaps including
> their profile name in the email would minimize this.
> Page links text are showed as "How_to_Geolocate" - could these
> underscores be changed to spaces? ("How to Geolocate")

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