On Mar 29, 8:33 am, hywang <why00...@163.com> wrote:
> -------model file is like this ---------------------
> db.define_table('options_contain_chinease',
>     Field('student_name', requires = IS_IN_SET(["Jim","小长","老李"],
> multiple=True)),

Using this last string from your IS_IN_SET example (I hope my copy/
paste did this correctly into iPython!):

In [31]: value=r"老李"
In [32]: value
Out[32]: '\xe8\x80\x81\xe6\x9d\x8e'
In [33]: str(value)
Out[33]: '\xe8\x80\x81\xe6\x9d\x8e'
In [34]: re.compile(r"[\w\-:]+").findall(value)
Out[34]: []
In [35]: re.compile(r"[\w\-:]+").findall(value, re.U)
Out[35]: []
In [36]: re.compile(r"[\w\-:]+",re.U).findall(value)
Out[36]: ['\xe8', '\xe6']
In [37]: re.compile(r"[\w\-:]+",re.U).findall(value,re.U)
Out[37]: []


So it would seem you may need to setup something with LOCALE;  I have
played around with this for just a little bit, but am not sure what it
takes (zh-CN?  zh-cn?  zh_CN.gb2312?   etc.)

Maybe others can add to this...

- Yarko

> )
> db.options_contain_chinease.student_name.widget =
> CheckboxesWidget.widget
> ------controller file is like this ---------------------
> def options_contain_chinease():
>     form = SQLFORM(db.options_contain_chinease)
>     if form.accepts(request.vars, session):
>         pass
>     return dict(form=form)
> if checked one item and submit, everything is ok, however, when
> checked more than one items and submit the form, an error will occur .
> Is it a bug ?
> thanks !

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