Perhaps a simpler set of questions:
Did you have this working with Cherrypy beforehand?
If so, is Rocket the only thing to have changed?
The latest changes to Rocket were committed to the Mercurial web2py repo
on March 18th. I'm assuming you've run a checkout since then.
On 3/28/2010 4:23 PM, mdipierro wrote:
One more thing. You ask
But a single process doing complex joins should not slow down
all other simple selects and inserts, right?
no, except for sqlite. sqlite serializes all requests because locks
the db. That could explain the 0.20s if you have lots of queries per
request, but not the 54s for the server.
On Mar 28, 4:22 pm, mdipierro<> wrote:
On Mar 28, 3:46 pm, Michael Toomim<> wrote:
Any idea why there is a discrepancy between Firebug and
httpserver.log logs the time spend in web2py, not including the time
for sending and receiving the http request/response.
firebug logs the the total time, including time spend by the web
server for communication.
I am using postgresql. What would indicate "model complexity"? I
have around 9 tables, but most of the requests just do single-object
selects and inserts. No complex joins are in public-facing pages, but
myself as an administrator periodically load a page that does big
joins. But a single process doing complex joins should not slow down
all other simple selects and inserts, right?
In your case there are two problems (and I do not know what causes
1) web2py is taking 0.20seconds to process a response. That is more
than 10 times what it should be.
2) the communication between the web server and the browser takes very
very long time.
Is the server on localhost? If not this could be a network issue.
On Mar 27, 6:48 am, mdipierro<> wrote:
Mind that if you use sqlite there is no concurrency. Still these
numbers are very low.
Are your models very complex?
On 27 Mar, 00:06, Michael Toomim<> wrote:
I'm using web2py+rocket to serve jobs on mechanical turk. The server
probably gets a hit per second or so by workers on mechanical turk
using it.
When I have no users, everything is fast. But in active use, I notice
that web pages often load realllly slow in my web browser, but the
httpserver.log file reports only small times.
For instance, I just loaded a page that httpserver.log said took
0.200000 seconds, but Firebug said took 54.21 seconds. That's a big
difference. Any idea what's going on? I guess I'll have to try apache?
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