greetings i have a form with a hidden input field that i modify from
the javascript.  for some reason on a failure of form's accept method
i get all my values repopulated in the form save for the hidden ones.
now what is strange is if i take the same input and make it a text
field it works perfectly.  is this a bug, a feature, or just me being
confused.  this is my code snippet below:
[ LEGEND( SPAN( self.title, _class='group_selector_title'),
SELECT( _class="group_selector_select",,
_onchange="toggleDivs(this.value, this.parentNode.parentNode)")),
INPUT( _type='hidden', _id = self.attributes['_id'] + '__state', _name
= '___state', _value = '', value='dir' ) ]

It always comes back '' as a hidden type, but it will behave correctly
with a text type...

-ian reinhart geiser

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