Hey Richard,

I have 10+ dynamic apps (e.g. running a DB back-end, including
pyforum.org and techfuel.net, both web2py) on a $15.00 a month VPS on
serveraxis.com, but don't let the price fool you, uptime has been
virtually 100% in the past 4 years, the caveat is that you get a
"plain vanilla" server (you have to admin it), but I see that as a
benefit as you can have the exact version of whatever you want on it,
hth. Julio

On Mar 22, 4:34 pm, Richard <richar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I read in another thread that all that is needed for a host to support
> web2py is python2.4+. However I tried and failed to run web2py on
> Hostgator, which does support python2.5. It is likely possible, but my
> Apache-fu is not strong enough.
> What would be great is a list of hosts that are known to work along
> with instructions.
> Here is a start of what I have used personally:
> - Google App Engine (http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/python/
> gettingstarted/uploading.html)
> - Webfaction (http://forum.webfaction.com/viewtopic.php?id=2373)
> Others I have heard work:
> - Slicehost
> - Dreamhost

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