Hi Mark,

> The First one is to create a user web2py and make it a member of www-data.
> And put the application in the home folder which will work.

No, that would not work at all. Applications are not allowed to
install anything under /home. In fact, the whole /home directory does
not have to exist on a debian system (although it does exist on most
of them).

> The second solution
> With symlinks (see mail history)
> + multi-user and protected by file system
> - possible securite leaks through web2py application data (Massimo?)
> + easy to update through apt

That sounds feasible, but only for those cases where the users start
their own applications from their home directories.

> The read only problem could be fixed with the Group rights.
> We could grant the www-data only write rights,

I'm afraid that would not work either. First of all, it violates the
packaging guidelines, so this package would never be accepted in
Debian. There is a reason for those guidelines - the /usr directory
might be mounted via NFS in a readonly mode, so that even the local
root user is not allowed to write into it.

I'm sorry, but I don't see any other way forward rather than to do a
clean separation between the code and the runtime data.


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