On Mar 20, 2:58 pm, Joe  Barnhart <joe.barnh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> OK -- more info.
> I discovered that sqlite3 was not being loaded by sql.py in gluon.
> The library must be structured oddly because it wants something like:
> from sqlite3 import dbapi2 as sqlite3

Can you send me the patch?

> After hacking sql.py in this fashion, pypy ran perfectly!   ...for
> about 30 seconds!
> After that time, I got a "too many open files" error for every
> request.  It seems that PyPy isn't very aggressive about GC'ing closed
> files, so I need to research that aspect.

This is bad. I think we explicitly close any file we open but we may
be wrong. If you find out the source of the problem, please let me

> It may be a moot question, because from my brief tests I believe the
> JIT will not speed up code loaded and run via "exec".  I noticed my
> worst page load takes about 6-7 seconds under OSX Python 2.5.2 but
> takes about 12 seconds under PyPy.

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