Hi All, Massimo,
           I've been designing a  web app using web2py. Web2py is
really a
    very well designed framework. I am considering it along with
Django for a
    medium sized web app development. How ever I would like to know,
if I can
    code more applications for a single complex site (as we can do in
    and link it to one single application.I am not using CAS as I have
    my own authentication system. Here's an example to make it clear
of what I
     *my site*
            |__ site pages along with main page
            |__ link to app1 ( a blog that is a separate web2py app)
            |__ link to a app2 (chat client)  ( again a separate
web2py app)
            |__ link to my database triggered app3 (again a separate

    In short how do I modularise my web2py project to combine
    applications into my original site web2py project. From the web
I've seen a
    post from Yarko that mentions this


    but technically I could not find any documentation either in your
    book or site. Can you please provide methods of how this is
    without sacrificing simplicity. I have also heard about plugins
but not
    really sure what they are and should I be really using those.

    Please suggest.

    Sincerely, Rahul D

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