
I want to be able to display a list of records containing a date field
with a simplified representation of the date like 'MM/DD' instead of

It was working fine in 1.72.3, but I get the following error after an
upgrade to 1.76.1:

    table = SQLTABLE(rows, linkto=mylink, headers=common.headers)
  File "C:\web2py\gluon\sqlhtml.py", line 1104, in __init__
  File "C:\web2py\gluon\sql.py", line 2676, in formatter
  File "C:\web2py_1.76.1\gluon\validators.py", line 2237, in formatter
    return self.other.formatter(value)
  File "C:\web2py_1.76.1\gluon\validators.py", line 1969, in formatter
    y = '%.4i' % value.year
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'year'

I tried to reproduce this error in a clean environment created with
1.76.1 and I get the same error.
Here is the code I use:

    Field('birth', 'date', default=None, writable=False),

db.atable.birth.writable = True

monthday = lambda value: value and '%i/%i' % (value.month, value.day)
db.atable.birth.represent = monthday

    query = db.atable.id==1
    rows = db(query).select(db.atable.id, db.atable.birth)
    table = SQLTABLE(rows)

If you just use a crud.update, everything works fine, and the field
representation is correct.

However, when you try to use a TABLE to display a list of all records,
before going to the edit section, it seems the validator formatter
property is getting in the way.

Thank you for your help,

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