The online book/Wiki need a small fix: the % character needs to be
escaped. I added in the Errata an example from the
Internationalisation chapter: the code using the T("text %
(name)s",dict(name='Nico")) is not displayed correctly. Adding the
wikipage I was bitten by the same bug, escaping % with \% fixed it.

Just  guessing, I think it might be caused by using the %-construct in
the display view ;-)

BTW Is the latex-conversion code available?

Nico de Groot

On 12 feb, 02:30, mdipierro <> wrote:
> This is only for testing purposes.
> Please try get an account and send me some feedback.
> You can try post and edit  comments/wiki pages.
> I will reset the database in the next couple of days so do not be
> surprised if you loose your account and changes.
> I will also try port over AlterEgo data and merge with appliances.
> Massimo

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