I think this is transparent to jquery. Something like this?


def index(): return dict(people=db().select(db.person.ALL))

{{extend 'layout.html'}}
.red { backrgound-color: red; }
.green {background-color: green; }
  {{for p in people:}}
     <td class="{{'red' if p.balance<0 else 'green'}}">{{=p.balance}}</

On Feb 25, 11:57 pm, BrendanC <bren...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm interested in building a web2py demo that show color coded data in
> a (jquery?) datagrid. Ideally cells would be  color coded based on the
> underlying data value (e.g. neg values, overdue dates etc. in red).
> This type of display is pretty common in desktop apps, spreadsheets
> etc. but I have not found any web based examples ( which seems a bit
> odd - not sure why ).
> Are there any web2py examples of something like this?
> TIA,
> Brendan

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