On Feb 20, 6:27 am, Al <> wrote:
> I managed to get stunnel working, though it is a lot more complicated
> than I thought
> originally. On the windows server, the stunnel.conf file is setup as
> server mode and redirect port 8443 to 8000. On the client side, I also
> have to set up another stunnel as client mode and redirect
> to - server's IP address. As this server
> will be facing public, I cannot expect people to set up stunnel in
> their machine in order to access my website. I was expecting a tool
> which runs on the server side to do port redirection, and then when I
> type inhttp://server_ip:8443from another machine, it will route me
> to my target app. (note: I did NOT set up any SSL certificate to get
> stunnel working)
> Also with stunnel, I still cannot access the target app without
> entering the admin password, I cannot find any response.menu_auth to
> remove.
> I also have another mac which I tried to set up stunnel, but when I
> run sudo stunnel3 I got the following error:
> "inetd mode must define a remote host or an executable"
> Anyone familiar with mac can give some tips on how to solve this
> Cheers
> Al

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